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Toddler & Preschool Daily Plan

7 -9:00                    Arrival. Greeting children and families.

                                Play time on the carpet or at the table with an activity or with manipulatives, individually or                                     with friends.



9:00-9:10                Getting ready for breakfast - toddler diaper check, potty training toddlers and                                                             preschoolers bathroom break,  hand washing under the direct                                                                                     supervision of the teacher(s), then getting seated at tables.


9:10-9:30                Breakfast



9:30-10:30               Education time:

                                Both preschool groups and a toddler group have a class led by teachers, assisted by                                                  aides. Each of 2 classes consists of 15-25 minutes of instruction in English and 15-25                                               minutes of instruction in Russian, with a brain break / stretch  / bathroom in between.


10:30-11:50             Diaper check and bathroom break, before free play inside or outside.

                                Outdoor play on the playground (weather permitting) – children practice their monthly                                             gross motor skills activities / games, followed up by free play.

                                If indoor play (inclement weather) - children alternate between playing at a table with                                               puzzles or manipulatives, playing on the carpet or at dramatic play centers individually or                                         with friends.


11:50 pm                  Coming in from the outside or cleaning up if inside. Getting ready for lunch - toddler diaper                                    check, potty training toddlers and preschoolers bathroom break, hand washing                                                           under the direct supervision of the teacher(s), then getting seated at tables.

12:00 pm                  Lunch


12:30-3:00 pm         Another diaper check and bathroom break before nap time.

                                 Nap time supervised by the teachers. Bathroom visits as needed


3:00-3:10 pm            Diaper check, bathroom break and hand washing before snack time


3:10-3:30 pm            Snack


3:30-4:00 pm            Short education time– usually story time of our thematic books followed up by a discussion.

                                  Diaper check and bathroom break before outdoor or inside play.


4:00-5:00                   Outdoor play on the playground (weather permitting) – children practice their monthly                                             gross motor skills activity / game, followed up by free play.

                                  If indoor play (inclement weather) - children alternate between playing at a table with                                               puzzles or manipulatives, playing on the carpet or at dramatic play centers.



5:00-5:30 pm            Diaper check and bathroom break and hand washing after outdoor play

                                  Winding down before going home - helping to collect all toys, sitting at tables with                                                   books, getting ready for pick up.

Russian Immersion Daycare Center

Infant Daily Plan

7:30–8:30                   Arrival. Greeting children and families


8:30–9:00                   Snack/bottle feeding


9:00–10:00                 Morning nap, rocking, holding, reading, soft music


10:00–10:30               Large muscle activity, exploration on floor with a teacher, play time


10:30–11:00               Outdoors (weather permitting) or play time continued


11:00–12:00               Lunch/bottle feeding


12:00–2:30                 Naps as needed, rocking, holding, reading, soft music


2:30–3:00                   Snack/bottle feeding


3:00–3:30                   Education time  - language experience, songs, books, stories, puppets


3:30–4:30                   Outdoors (weather permitting) or play time on the floor


4:30-5:30                   Musical toys, soft pages books, fine motor. Another snack, as needed


Diaper Check every hour or more frequently as needed.


Meals according to family or individualized meal plan.


All infants accompanied outside for two 20 minute sessions daily, weather permitting.

Childcare infant report is provided daily with the description and times of meals, naps, bowel movements, mood and activities.

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